Monday, November 14, 2016

A Loveliness of Ladybugs...

October 30th was unseasonably warm - 83 degrees. Down at the barn I was greeted by a "Loveliness of Ladybugs." Each one of the hundred red and black creatures seeking to secure a hibernation spot to spend the wintry days ahead. 

Raised black lines on the Lovelies done with Sakura Glaze Pen. 

Sitting on a bucket out in the pasture, filling the water trough and passing time with Corey the horse, movement caught my eye. When I looked to the fence line, standing there was an eight point buck. As he moved on, I hooted loudly a few times and he stopped and looked around for the source of the sound. I don't think he saw me. He moved on and I hooted and he stopped and looked. We played this game over and over until he disappeared into the woods at the far end of the field. Corey stood close by, watched, and I'm sure, was amused. Quick sketch with Derwent Graphtints. 

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