Thursday, May 7, 2020

NATURE JOURNAL Just a Walk down the Lane to Sketch Flowers, A Red Maple Samara, Yay! The Trees are Leafing Out

More information on Lauren's book:

Disclaimer: I put these ads here for your information. Supposedly if you click on the ad to learn more about the item and then purchase it, I will make a few cents. But I haven't made any money yet, (read this part with a New York accent) so don't worry about it. 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

JOURNAL Celebrate May Day! Oh, no! Mayday! Mayday!

More information on books/art supplies:

Disclaimer: I put these ads here for your information. Supposedly if you click on the ad to learn more about the item and then purchase it, I will make a few cents. But I haven't made any money yet, (read this part with a New York accent) so don't worry about it. 

Friday, May 1, 2020

NATURE JOURNAL A Tale of 2 Mustards, A Box O'Blue, A Waxing Moon

More information on the Sand County Almanac:

Disclaimer: I put these ads here for your information. Supposedly if you click on the ad to learn more about the item and then purchase it, I will make a few cents. But I haven't made any money yet, (read this part with a New York accent) so don't worry about it.